Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Work Cited

"Historical Political Cartoons About Hawaii - Hawai'i Digital Newspaper Project." Historical Political Cartoons About Hawaii - Hawai'i Digital Newspaper Project. Google. Web. 20 Feb. 2016. <https://sites.google.com/a/hawaii.edu/ndnp-hawaii/Home/historical-feature-articles/political-cartoons>.

"Cartoon Of The Open Door Policy - The Koller Report - N.Koller." Cartoon Of The Open Door Policy - The Koller Report - N.Koller. Web. 20 Feb. 2016.<https://sites.google.com/a/ncps-k12.org/amhnews-n-koller-2011/economic/hay-unlocks-the-doors-to-china/cartoon-of-the-open-door-policy>.

"Heretic, Rebel, a Thing to Flout." : Seward Buys Alaska for Pocket Change and Lint. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.<http://patrickmurfin.blogspot.com/2013/03/seward-buys-alaska-for-pocket-change.html?m=>.

"American Experience:Panama Canal The Man Who Can Make The Dirt Fly." PBS. PBS. Web. 19 Feb. 2016.<http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/teachers-resources/panama-guide/>.

"American Experience: Panama Canal Boat W Guns." PBS. PBS. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.<http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/teachers-resources/panama-guide/>.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Panama Canal

This cartoon is about the Panama Canal. I know this because it says Panama Canal on the cartoon. The cartoonist's message on the cartoon is that Roosevelt can get hings done if he sets his mind to it. I say this becasue on the bottom of the cartoon it say,"The man who can make dirt fly." Another opinion could be that if Roosevelt will do whatever he can to make the Panama Canal. I know this because there are people in the canal hole and he is shoveling them out. One technique is labeling and I think this because there are little men with words on them. Another technique is exaggeration and I say this because Roosevelt is huge and shoveling little men. This doesn't support my view on American Imperialism. This cartoon is neutral in my belief, because there is two ways I see it. Though I think it is more negative and I don't believe in what Roosevelt was doing.

Panama Canal

This cartoon is about the Panama Canal. I know this because it says Panama at the bottom of the boat.The cartoonist's message is that Roosevelt will hurt anyone who comes in his way. I know this because he has many guns on him. Another opinion may be that Roosevelt came to resupply the Panamanians with guns. I know this becasue he has many guns with him. One technique is labeling and I say this because the bridge to come off the boat says Monroe Doctrine and Panamanians had flags with sayings. Another technique is exaggeration and I say this because Roosevelt has many guns and is over sized. This cartoon doesn't support my view of imperialism because it is negative. I say this because Roosevelt has many guns and will do whatever to get his way.

Annexation of Hawaii

This cartoon is about the annexation of Hawaii. I know this because the queen of Hawaii is on one side of the sea-saw and Uncle Sam on the other. The cartoonist's message on this topic is that the U.S is better than Hawaii. I say this because the queen is on the high side which is the losing side and Uncle Sam is standing up on his side. Another opinion could be that the U.S. should get sugar from Hawaii. I know this because Uncle Sam is on the floor by the sugar. One technique could be labeling and I know this because the barrel is labeled sugar. Another technique could be exaggeration and I say this because of how big the queen of Hawaii was. This does not support my view on imperialism. This cartoon is negative and is saying that the U.S. is larger so they should have the sugar.

Roosevelt Corollary

This cartoon is about the Roosevelt Corollary. I know this because the Roosevelt Corollary pushed the rules of the Monroe Doctrine further. The cartoonist's message is that the Roosevelt Corollary pushed it too far It is like putting a canon to one's face and telling them not to do something. I know this because the cartoon shows the canon. Another opinion may be that the Roosevelt is only doing a form of babysitting to make everyone behave. I say this because it looks like Roosevelt is babysitting Europe to not play with Cuba. One technique is labeling and I think this because the canon has a sign representing the Monroe Doctrine. Another technique is exaggeration and I know this because Roosevelt didn't point a canon at Europe's country threatening them not to share influence. This doesn't support my view on American Imperialism. I say this because it is pushing more laws towards Cuba and I am not fore that.

Purchase of Alaska

This cartoon is about the Purchase of Alaska. I know this because the Russian land is in an treaty wagon and that piece of land was Alaska. The cartoonist's message on the topic is that it was a waste to buy the land. I say this because in the back, there is a Russian holding the money with a look that he tricked the American who bought it. One opinion may be that the land was a good idea and was a good purchase. I say this because the face that was made could've meant that the Americans are lucky ti have that land. One technique that was used was labeling and I know this because I see the wagon labeled treaty and the land labeled Russian America. Another technique used is exaggeration and I know this because two men could not have carried Russian land. This doesn't support my view on American Imperialism. The reason for this is because buying Russsian land is spreading influence and taking Russians.

Spanish-American War

This cartoon is about the Spanish-American War. I can tell this because on the so called menu of this cartoon is all of the countries America is in war with. The cartoonist's message is that now the Americans are at war with the people of Spain. Also they are saying that the U.S. could chose who they want to attack or be at war with. Another opinion is that the Americans act so powerful and treat others with major disrespect. The U.S is picking on who to humiliate. One technique the cartoonist used is labeling and I know this because he is labeling on the countries on a menu. Another technique is exaggeration and I know this because the U.S. doesn't look at a menu and chose different countries. This cartoon doesn't support my position on American Imperialism at all. I am an anti-imperialist so I go against taking countries and over ruling them.

Panama Canal

This political cartoon is about the Panama Canal. I know this because it says Panama on the wagon with shovels. The cartoonist's message on this tissue is that Roosevelt would do anything to create the Panama Canal,which means Panama or bust. He is running over the treaty, international law, the Colombian protest, and lastly, precedent. Other opinions for this cartoon may be that Roosevelt is a good person for breaking all of this trusts or documents. The Panama Canal is good for the U.S. although he is breaking the items. One technique being used is labeling and I know this because it is explaining what he is rolling over the treaty and why he is doing it. Another technique is exaggeration and I know this because Roosevelt is using an elephant that is in the air to pull his wagon. This is negative because Panama or Bust means he will do anything to create the Panama Canal. So this doesn't support my position on American Imperialism.

Open Door Policy

This political cartoon is about the Open Door Policy. I know this because there is a door and behind is China, meaning other foreign countries are gaining a sphere of influence in China. The cartoonist's message on the issue is that China is letting other foreign countries gain a sphere of influence in the country. China is now trading with other countries. Other opinions may be on the fact that some Chinese people do not like foreign countries coming in. Chinese people should abolish the Open Door Policy. One technique the cartoonist used is labeling and I know this because it says China above the door and something on the key. Another technique being used is exaggeration and I know this because there really isn't a door to China and if there was, the key wouldn't be so big. This cartoon doesn't support my opinion on imperialism because this cartoon is positive. This cartoon is positive because the Chinese people are happy in the background.